Dr. Fenwick W. English [email protected]
Professor and Associate Dean, College of Education
June, 2024
Academic freedom is not some archaic term pulled out of the closet to defend unpopular theories or ideas, or whacky professors and crazy ideas run amok. The article by ELWB co-founder Fenwick English’s latest essay, “ Dual spatiality, conspiracy theories, and academic freedom compromised” speaks to the real dangers posed by the right wing think tanks who churn out conspiracy theories regarding “critical race theory” being reminiscent of the Joe McCarthy era of a “Commie under every bed” paranoia.
English’s article appeared in the online edition of the Journal of Educational Administration and History and tracks the authoritarian and fascist attacks introduced by state legislators to banish, silence, censor and punish institutions who have been involved with social justice issues and taken steps to institutionalize measures to bring the benefits of a good society to all of its citizens via education.
Dual spatiality refers to the concept that all universities occupy a shared collective space that lies beyond the boundaries of any specific nation’s political boundaries. The right of the professor to pursue the truth, even if it is unpopular or absurd, must be protected as progress often comes when what appears to be heresy becomes recognized as true.
The so-called WOKE conspiracy is a hoax equivalent to one of the greatest and most virulent lies in history, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a deep fake lie pushed by the Russian czars secret police to enable them to persecute Jews indiscriminately. This pernicious fabrication was supposed to reveal the words of 300 Jewish elders telling a new initiate the 24 means (called protocols) of how they were going to take over the world.
The article ends with analysis of Florida House Bill 266 which transforms anti-WOKE conspiracy into law. The essay ends with two pronouncements: (1) Academic freedom must be fought for by every generation, and (2) If academic freedom is compromised in one place, because of its spatial connectivity, it can then be compromised in every place. It must therefore be protected everywhere.
The complete text is https://doi.org/10.1080/00220620.2024.2360005
Dr. Fenwick W. English [email protected]
Professor and Associate Dean, College of Education
June, 2024
Academic freedom is not some archaic term pulled out of the closet to defend unpopular theories or ideas, or whacky professors and crazy ideas run amok. The article by ELWB co-founder Fenwick English’s latest essay, “ Dual spatiality, conspiracy theories, and academic freedom compromised” speaks to the real dangers posed by the right wing think tanks who churn out conspiracy theories regarding “critical race theory” being reminiscent of the Joe McCarthy era of a “Commie under every bed” paranoia.
English’s article appeared in the online edition of the Journal of Educational Administration and History and tracks the authoritarian and fascist attacks introduced by state legislators to banish, silence, censor and punish institutions who have been involved with social justice issues and taken steps to institutionalize measures to bring the benefits of a good society to all of its citizens via education.
Dual spatiality refers to the concept that all universities occupy a shared collective space that lies beyond the boundaries of any specific nation’s political boundaries. The right of the professor to pursue the truth, even if it is unpopular or absurd, must be protected as progress often comes when what appears to be heresy becomes recognized as true.
The so-called WOKE conspiracy is a hoax equivalent to one of the greatest and most virulent lies in history, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a deep fake lie pushed by the Russian czars secret police to enable them to persecute Jews indiscriminately. This pernicious fabrication was supposed to reveal the words of 300 Jewish elders telling a new initiate the 24 means (called protocols) of how they were going to take over the world.
The article ends with analysis of Florida House Bill 266 which transforms anti-WOKE conspiracy into law. The essay ends with two pronouncements: (1) Academic freedom must be fought for by every generation, and (2) If academic freedom is compromised in one place, because of its spatial connectivity, it can then be compromised in every place. It must therefore be protected everywhere.
The complete text is https://doi.org/10.1080/00220620.2024.2360005