Working Together So That All Children Go To School
The goal of greater democracy and equality has to provide a fuller range of opportunities that render availability for all.
We believe education is a basic human right And the pathway to peace
For the individual, education is the path to achievement and fulfillment; for the Nation, it is a path to a society that is not only free but civilized; and for the world, it is the path to peace—for it is education that places reason over force.
(No Author, Former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, 2012, October 22, p. 33)
Our Mission & Objectives

Our mission is the establishment of a global network of educational scholars and practitioners who have chosen to work on behalf of all children going to school. This means all children including girls in all countries. All children have a right to go to school. Our second objective is not to make schools as they exist more efficient at what they do, but to call into question what schools do in the first place and how they work or should work to provide greater equality to all children and their families. We know that in most countries schools are the agents of the nation state and its reproduction. Some nation states are determined to impose their dominance over others and to attain that dominance militarily, politically and economically. We call for educational leaders who resist and reject this purpose. We call for educational leaders who are reflexive, that is, they think about how they are thinking. They think about ways that their leadership can propel us towards greater equality, opportunity, and peace among nations and within nations. To do so educational leaders must be able to step outside of their nation’s political borders and work towards political parity and the abandonment of the practice and traditions of sexism, misogyny, nativism, racism and xenophobia. Educational leaders without borders promotes leadership that always has one foot in the future, and that future is about creating a more caring, fair, peaceful and humane world.
We Recognize
ELWB Publications
As a group of world educational scholars, ELWB has begun a robust and far-reaching program of research, scholarship and publications. This agenda calls into questions practices, traditions, and policies that limit the rights of all children to become educated and to learn how to do critical thinking which prevents them from becoming responsible citizens of the world. Several of the ELWB book Series are as follows:
The Roads to Integrating Sustainability in School Leadership & Teacher Preparation programs, Rosemary Papa, Anna Saiti, Faye Snodgress, & Panagiotis Kaldis (Eds.) (2021). ICPEL Publications,
Recipes to Combat the ISMS - Equity, Vol. 1, Kelly Brown, & Rosemary Papa (Eds.) (2021). ICPEL Publications,
Recipes to Combat the ISMS, Vol. 2, Kelly Brown, Rosemary Papa, & Sonia Rodriguez, (Eds.) (2021), ICPEL Publications,
Artificial Intelligence, Human Agency, and the Educational Leader, Rosemary Papa & Karen Moran Jackson, K. (Eds.) (2021). Springer Nature International Publishing, AG.
School Violence in International Contexts: Perspectives from Educational Leaders Without Borders, Rosemary Papa (Ed.) (2019). Springer International Publishing, AG.
Educational Leaders Without Borders: Rising to Global Challenges to Educate All, Rosemary Papa & Fenwick English (Eds.) (2016). Springer International Publishing, AG.
Framing an International Imaginative Identity: A Monograph on Educational Leaders Without Borders, Rosemary Papa & Fenwick English (2014). Free, Open Access Monograph
Online Faculty Teaching, Novice to Expert: Effective Practices for the Student Learner, Mary Dereshiwsky, Rosemary Papa, & Ric Brown (2017), ICPEL Publications,
Click here to download the file
Open Education Resources on Lesson Study, Dr. Sunil Behari Mohanty, President, All India Association for Educational Research
Click here to download file OER on Lesson Study
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